
Tired of losing control at those that you love?

If you know how, anger is easy to change. Take my 60-Second anger quiz and learn to control your anger now!

"I'm so glad I took this quiz. It really helped me understand what I need to do to control my anger. Thank you!"      -S.W., Auckland

What Is The Anger Quiz?

couple quiz

The Anger Quiz is a quick 60-second quiz.

In this quiz, you'll be asked a series of questions about why you want to manage your anger. There are no right or wrong answers, and your responses will be completely confidential.

At the end of the quiz, you'll be given a personalized report that will provide you with specific recommendations on how to manage your anger more effectively.

"I would recommend this to anyone who wants control their anger. I'm so much calmer now. My family has noticed a huge difference."      -D.T., Wellington

About Alastair Duhs

Alastair Duhs

Alastair Duhs is an anger management expert living in Auckland, New Zealand.

Over the last 30 years, Alastair has taught over 10,000 men and women how to control their anger, master their emotions and create calmer, happier and more loving relationships.

He is the founder of "The Complete Anger Management System". This life-changing online course makes it nearly impossible for anyone to fail at controlling their anger. Specifically, The Complete Anger Management System will teach you to control your anger, master your emotions and create a calmer and more loving relationship, usually in just 21 days or less.

Want to know more? Start by taking the Anger Quiz above!