
Thank you for booking your FREE 20 minute anger management consultation! I look forward to talking with you.​

​​​​Please watch the following short video prior to our call.


The Life You Want, The​ Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want, Is Just One Decision Away...

How Important Is Controlling Your Anger To You...?

From: ​Alastair Duhs

Where: ​Auckland, New Zealand

How ​important is controlling your anger ​​to you...?

For everyone it's different...

For some of you, it means ​saving a relationship that has almost been destroyed by ​anger. ​

For others, it means never seeing the look of fear in your children's eyes when Daddy (or Mummy) is ​losing their temper. ​

And for others of you, it's being a more approachable person at work, a calmer driver on the roads or a safer person when you go ​out at night. ​

Before I share with you ​the quickest, fastest and most effective way ​for YOU to control your anger... let me ask you a few questions...

Do You...

  • lose your temper with your partner or children​ for little or no reason?
  • ​have frequent conflict with your wife, your friends, workmates or complete strangers?
  • raise your voice, shout, swear or bang objects when you are arguing?
  • shout at, swear at or chase other drivers on the roads?
  • ​worry that one day your anger will get out of control​, leading to a first (or another) episode of abuse or violence dire​cted ​towards those that you love?

If you answered "Yes" to ANY of the questions above, then learning to control your anger will change your life forever!

​Introducing The Complete Anger Management System

The Complete Anger Management System is a fast, effective and proven ​system that will teach you the essential tools and strategies to control your anger in any situation.

Special offer! Enrol now and get a ​65% discount!

Here's What You Get When You Sign Up

When you sign up to the Complete Anger Management System you get immediate access to all of the following...

The first thing you will get is lifetime access to my comprehensive 7 part Anger Management ​Online Course ​(Value $1,997)

Anger Management Online

The ​second thing you will get ​​is exclusive ​access to ​my 136 page Anger Management Online Workbook (Value $97)

Anger Management Online Workbook

The ​third thing you will get ​​is ​​exclusive access to ​my Anger Management Online ​Cheatsheats Ebook (Value $​97)

Anger Management Online Cheatsheets

The ​fourth thing you will get ​is ​immediate ​membership to ​​the private members only Anger ​Change Facebook Group (Value $​97)

The ​fifth thing you will get ​​is ​lifetime access ​to ​my Anger Management Online ​​(Accelerated) Masterclass (Value $197)

Anger Management Online (Accelerated)

The ​sixth thing you will get ​​is ​exclusive access ​to ​the Anger Management Online ​​(Accelerated) ​​workbook (Value $​27)

Anger Management Online (Accelerated)

That is a total value of:


However, if you purchase ​before the countdown times reaches zero...


You pay just $​​347!

​What ​​You Will Learn From The Complete Anger Management System

The ​Complete Anger Management System ​will teach you:

  • what anger, abuse and violence really are
  • ​what makes an action abusive or violent
  • ​how angry, abusive or violent you are
  • ​what the four main anger management tools are
  • how to ​recognize your Early Warning Signs of anger
  • ​how to use the Tension Scale to recognize when you are getting frustrated, annoyed or angry
  • how to use Positive Self-Talk to lower your tension, stress or anger levels
  • ​how to take a Time-Out correctly
  • ​what the real cause of anger is
  • ​how your thoughts and beliefs create your anger (and how to change them!)
  • ​how to take responsibility for your actions
  • ​what a respectful relationship is
  • ​how respectful your relationship is
  • how to communicate better with anyone around you
  • ​how to listen to your partner so that s/he feels fully understood by you
  • what the Iceberg Model of good listening is
  • ​how to express yourself to others clearly and respectfully
  • ​how to negotiate issues in relationships fairly
  • ​and much, much more....

“People often think that learning to control their anger is hard. It's not. In the Complete Anger Management System I will teach you how to control your anger in any situation-regardless of how long you have experienced anger for or how bad you think your anger issue is.”

Why Choose An Online Anger Management Course?

​Online Anger Management courses have many advantages over traditional face-to-face anger management courses. These include:


​Learn ​Whenever (​Or ​Wherever) ​You ​Want

​Forget about having to attend an anger management group at the same time every week, regardless of work, family or personal commitments. Learn anger management when (and where) suits you!


​​Watch ​As ​Many ​Times ​As ​You ​Want

​Scared that you will forget your anger management tools? This happens all the time in face-to-face anger management programmes. With an online programme you can watch the videos over again and again (even years after you haev bought the course). Never be scared of relapsing again!


​Save Money

Traditional ​anger management programmes typically cost $​1,000-$​​5,000 to complete. ​The Complete Anger Management ​System​ is worth ​far more than this, but costs ​way less!


​Save Time

​Traditional anger management programmes typically ​take 16-24 weeks to complete. ​By purchasing ​​the Complete Anger Management ​System you will learn ​to control your anger ​in ​​just a few weeks (or less!)


​​Avoid Commuting

​Don't want to ​waste hours ​driving to ​an anger manage​ment program? ​​The Complete Anger Management ​System totally eliminates ​travel time-leaving you more ​time to ​focus on learning ​the vital anger management skills.


​Learn From The Best!

​​​I have ​taught over 6,500 men and women to control their anger over the last 25 years. Why try to ​learn​ ​how to ​control your anger ​from less experienced anger management ​coaches?

About Alastair Duhs

Alastair Duhs is a specialist anger management counsellor living in Auckland, New Zealand.

In the last 25 years Alastair has taught over 6,500 men and women how to control their anger in any situation.

Alastair is the creator of the Complete Anger Management System-a fast, effective and proven system that will teach you how to control your anger in 30 days (or less).

Wh​at Others Say


“​Learning to manage my anger has been life-changing for me. I was in denial about so many things that were happening to me-especially my anger. ​​Alastair has helped me realise that I did have a problem and has given me the tools not just to deal with my anger, but also to create a busy and happy and relationship with my wife and children.”

Tom (​​Anger Management Coaching Client)


“​​I was skeptical doing an online course at first but basically from the first lesson on, the lessons had me captivated and tied down to the screen - I really really enjoyed it, and have already found it has improved my life in many ways.”

​John (​​​​Complete ​​Anger Management ​System Client)


“​Thank you for teaching me to manage my anger. I can now communicate with my partner without being violent and am more open to others. I now think before I act and to listen to others more. Thank You”

Michael (Complete ​​Anger Management ​System Client)


"The whole family can see a difference in me. I have learned the tools I need to control myself."

Susan (​​Anger Management Coaching Client)

​How Much Does The Complete Anger Management ​​​System​ Cost?

When you sign up to the Complete Anger Management System you get immediate access to all of the following...

  • Lifetime Access ​Anger Management Online, Value $1,997
  • Exclusive Access To Anger ​​Management Online Workbook, Value $97 
  • Exclusive Access To Anger ​Management Online Cheatsheats Ebook, Value $​97​
  • ​​​​​​Memb​ership ​​In The ​​Private Anger Change Facebook Group, Value $​97
  • ​​Lifetime Access To Anger Management Online (Accelerated) Masterclass: $197
  • Exclusive Access To Anger ​Management Online (​Accelerated) Ebook, Value $27

The total value of the Complete Anger Management System is $2,512, but when you invest in the Complete Anger Management System now, you do not need to pay $2,512.​

Instead, purchase the Complete Anger Management System for just one single payment of:

$2,512   $347

Do YOU Accept?

Money-Back Guarantee!

​Not sure if the Complete Anger Management System is right for you? No problem!

The Complete Anger Management System comes with a 30 day money back guarantee!

This means that if you are unhappy with the Complete Anger Management System for any reason in the first 30 days after purchase, then I'll insist you get 100% of your money back.

It's simple:

If you are unhappy with the Complete Anger Management System for any reason in the first 30 days after purchase, then I'll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.

Here Is Your Mission

(Should You Choose To Accept It...)

Your Challenge Is To TAKE ACTION And Learn How To Control Your Anger Now!

Yes, there will be some work involved.
Yes, you will need to practice your anger management skills…

But every day for the few weeks, you’ll be taking big steps toward controlling your anger!  

My only question for you is…

"Do YOU Have What It Takes?"

The time to act is NOW!

Purchase the Complete Anger Management System ​now for just $​347!

​Here's What To Do Next...

Very soon we will be talking together on your FREE 20 minute phone consultation. In this call I will help you decide what the best option for you to control your anger is.

However, you may want to start your journey of controlling your anger now. If so, buy the Complete Anger Management System now (with a 30 day money-back guarantee) and get started now! ​

I can then use your FREE 20 minute call to coach you through any parts of the Complete Anger Management System you do not understand or have ​become stuck on.

I ​look forward to talking with you soon!