Anger Issues?
Let's talk about it! Click the button to book a FREE 20-minute anger management consultation call (Value $197)
From The Desk Of Alastair Duhs
Auckland, New Zealand
November 2022
Dear Friend,
Are you constantly on the verge of losing your temper?
Do you feel like your anger is taking over your life and you have no way to stop it?
Do you live in FEAR that your partner or children will see the "worst side" of you and be DISGUSTED, or even worse - AFRAID of you.
I know how it feels to think, "It will never happen again"...
...or hope that "This time will be different"...
...only to find yourself in the same situation, TRAPPED in an endless cycle of ANGER, HURT and REMORSE.
I know what it's like to want to get out of this cycle of ANGER, HURT and REMORSE and finally be free...
But how do you do this?
The answer is simple: You need a SYSTEM.
A system that is simple, easy to follow, and fits perfectly into your busy lifestyle.
A system that will give you the TOOLS and TECHNIQUES you need to control your anger, no matter what situation you find yourself in.
A system that has worked with thousands of men and women of all ages, from all walks of life, all throughout New Zealand.
Luckily, such a system EXISTS, and I will tell you all about it in just a moment.
But first, know that...
If you are experiencing issues with anger, you are NOT alone.
Almost 80% of people report experiencing issues with anger, abuse or violence at some point in lives.
Not only that, but studies show that anger issues are one of the leading causes of divorce in New Zealand.
In other words, anger is DESTROYING marriages and families all throughout New Zealand.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
There is HELP available.
And I'm here to tell you about it...
Hi, my name is Alastair Duhs, although I am better known as the "Anger Expert".
Over the last 30 years, I have taught over 10,000 men and women to control their anger, master their emotions and create calmer, happier and more respectful relationships.
However, I was not always the Anger Expert.
Thirty years ago, I was a young trainee counsellor. I was fresh out of University and just wanted to help people.
My first job was running anger management groups at a counselling centre in Hamilton, New Zealand.
I remember my first group like it was yesterday.
Sitting in front of me were 25 men, all of whom had been Court-ordered to attend my anger management group.
As the group began, I quickly realized I was in WAY OVER my head.
These men were angry. They did not want to be there. And there was no way that they wanted to listen to what I had to say.
I was UTTERLY unprepared for how to help them with their anger, and I quickly became overwhelmed.
By the end of the first session, I was a complete mess.
You see, I had trained in traditional therapeutic approaches to anger management. This meant I was taught to ask my clients to talk about their feelings, explore their childhood issues, and understand the "root causes" of their anger.
Over time, the theory goes, this would help my clients to gain insight into their anger, and eventually allow them to manage it more effectively.
This is the same approach many anger management counsellors and programmes use today.
The problem is: This approach simply does NOT work.
In fact, it often makes things WORSE.
I soon realized that the men I was working with didn't want to talk about their feelings, explore their childhood issues, and understand the "root causes" of their anger.
Instead, they wanted SIMPLE, PRACTICAL and EFFECTIVE tools to control their anger in the real world - not some touchy-feely exploration of their childhood, upbringing or "inner emotional world".
So I went back to the drawing board.
I started reading everything I could on anger management. I went to conferences, took courses, spoke to other anger management counsellors, and tried EVERY anger management technique under the sun.
But no matter how much I read or how many courses I took, I COULDN'T find a system that would work over and over again with all of my clients, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, or socio-economic background.
I started to feel like I would NEVER find a solution.
But then, one day, everything changed.
It was a typical day at work. I was running my anger management group, and we were exploring the concept of "triggers" - the things that set us off and make us angry.
One of the men in the group, we'll call him "John", raised his hand and said: "I know what my trigger is. It's my WIFE. She makes me so angry. I CAN'T stand it."
I asked John to elaborate, and he told me that his wife was constantly nagging him, criticizing him and making him feel like he was never good enough.
When she did this, John said, he would "lose it" and LASH out at her.
This was causing considerable problems in their relationship, and John was DESPERATE to find a way to control his anger.
So I asked John a simple question:
"When your wife is criticizing you, and you start to feel your anger rising, what THOUGHTS are going through your head?"
John thought for a moment, then said: "I'm thinking that she's always doing this, she's always picking on me, and I can't stand it anymore."
I then asked John to rate how angry he felt at these times on a SCALE of 1 to 10, with 10 being the angriest.
John said he felt an 8.
So I asked him to close his eyes and take a deep breath.
As John did this, I said: "I want you to imagine that your wife is in front of you, criticizing you. But this time, instead of thinking, "She's always doing this. She's always picking on me" I want you to think, "She's just having a bad day. She's under a lot of stress, and she doesn't mean it."
John did as I asked, and when he reopened his eyes, I asked him to rate how angry he would feel in this situation...
This time, John said he would feel a 4.
I had never seen anything like it before.
I had always thought that talking about your feelings, exploring your childhood issues and understanding the "root cause" of your anger was the key to managing anger.
But at that moment, I realized that the KEY to managing anger doesn't lie in talking about your feelings, exploring your childhood issues or understanding the "root cause" of your anger.
The key to managing anger lies in changing the way you THINK.
If you can change how you think, you can control your anger.
This statement is so IMPORTANT, let me repeat it:
It's really that simple...
After my life-changing discovery, I knew I had to find a way to help my clients change the way they thought in situations that made them angry.
But I didn't know how.
I tried using traditional techniques like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), but they just didn't work.
I even tried things like meditation and positive affirmations, but they didn't seem to make a dent in my clients' anger levels.
I was starting to feel FRUSTRATED.
I knew I was onto something, but I just couldn't figure out how to make it work.
Then, one day, I had a breakthrough.
I was reading a book on psychology, and I came across an idea called "Cognitive Reframing".
Cognitive reframing is a tool that allows you anyone to radically change how they THINK about a situation.
Over the next few months, I set to work developing a system that would allow my clients to use cognitive reframing to change their thoughts in situations that made them angry.
I then tested this system with my anger management clients, and the results were AMAZING.
Within days, men and women I worked with were reporting DRASTIC REDUCTIONS in their anger levels.
Some said it was like a "miracle" - they couldn't believe how quickly and easily the system worked.
Many clients, who had been struggling to control their anger for years, said it was the first time they had ever felt truly in control.
One client told me that after using the system for just a few weeks, his wife said to him: "It's like you're a different person - I don't even recognize you anymore."
I was absolutely THRILLED.
In no time at all, my clients were calmer, happier and more in control than they had EVER been before.
Husbands and wives on the brink of DIVORCE were suddenly getting along better than they had in years.
Parents who had been struggling to deal with their children's tantrums were now able to stay calm and in control.
And men and women who had been struggling with anger management issues for their entire lives were finally able to find PEACE.
It was incredible to see the positive impact that this system was having on people's lives.
And the best part was that this system was not even that complicated.
Many people who spent 10 minutes a day learning the tools and techniques I taught them, saw MASSIVE improvements in their anger control in just a few weeks (or less).
I was blown away by the results, and I knew I had to share this system with as many people as possible.
And that's how "The Complete Anger Management System" was born.
The Complete Anger Management System is a step-by-step programme that teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know about controlling your anger, mastering your emotions and creating a calmer, happier and more respectful relationship.
The Complete Anger Management System is based on my YEARS of experience as an anger management coach and counsellor and has been PROVEN to work, over and over again.
The Complete Anger Management System is divided into three parts:
In part one, you will learn how to master your anger in the short-term, so you can stay calm and in control no matter what life throws at you. You will learn:
In part two, you will learn how to master your anger in the long-term, meaning that you will AVOID getting angry in situations that would have previously have made you furious, helping you create lasting change in your life. You will learn:
In part three, you will learn how to create a calmer, happier and more respectful relationship with the people you care about. You will learn:
The Complete Anger Management System is a comprehensive program that covers EVERYTHING you need to know about controlling your anger, mastering your emotions and creating a calmer, happier and more respectful relationship.
It is suitable for ANYONE struggling with anger issues and those who want to avoid losing their temper in the future.
The system is presented online. This means you can access The Complete Anger Management System from ANYWHERE in the world, at any time of day or night.
You can work through the programme in your own time. You can review the videos in The Complete Anger Management System as often as you like. You can even watch The Complete Anger Management System with your partner, which means you can learn and grow together.
In short...
I hope that by now, you can see the POWER of The Complete Anger Management System and what it can do for you.
However, you may still be asking...
"Will The Complete Anger Management System work for me?"
If you are, let me put your mind at ease:
I have spent YEARS working with clients one-on-one, helping them to overcome their anger and create happier, more peaceful lives...
I spent YEARS testing, re-testing and perfecting every aspect of The Complete Anger Management System.
And I have made SURE that The Complete Anger Management System is the best anger management course available anywhere.
You'll see some of my success stories in just a moment...
However, before that, you need to know this:
The Complete Anger Management System is a blueprint for anger management mastery that works for literally anyone, even if you have just about given up hope of ever controlling your anger.
The Complete Anger Management System will show you how to overcome your anger and create the calmer, happier and more respectful relationships you DESERVE, once and for all!
Let's take a look at the RESULTS you can look forward to...
And especially how FAST are you going to see them.
In as little as a few hours, you could learn what anger, abuse and violence are, the four main tools to control your anger in any situation, and how to put these tools into practice in your everyday life.
In as little as a few days, you could learn what the real cause of your anger is, how to change your thoughts and feelings to prevent yourself from getting angry, and how to stop becoming angry in situations that would previously have made you furious.
In as little as a week, you could learn to communicate effectively with those you love, and build a stronger, more loving relationship with your partner, your children, and those you love.
And in just a few weeks, you could see a total transformation in your life, as you become calmer, happier and more contented than you EVER thought possible.
As you can see...
The Complete Anger Management System delivers PROVEN results.
I could share story after story of those who have used The Complete Anger Management System to control their anger, take back control of their lives and achieve lasting peace and happiness.
However, that would take far too long, so instead, I'll share just a few of the many success stories I have received...
"I was skeptical doing an online course at first but basically from the first lesson on the lessons had me captivated and tied down to the screen - I really really enjoyed it, and have already found it has improved my life in many ways."
"This course is unreal! I’m learning so many things about controlling my anger. Its really working."
"I’ve learned a lot about myself throughout this course. I've learned to identify habits of negative thinking and better ways to communicate with others without getting frustrated or feeling misunderstood. I am becoming a more patient and understanding person, which has made life easier for both myself, and the people around me."
"I found your course absolutely excellent and it was probably the most significant factor in saving my marriage."
"This course is just fantastic! Not only has it helped me with my anger, but it has enhanced my communication skills and made a good relationship even better! I wish I had done this course 20 years ago!"
I want to give you COMPLETE confidence when you enrol in The Complete Anger Management System today...
That's why The Complete Anger Management System comes with 100% No-Risk, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
This means you can enrol in the course...and if for ANY reason whatsoever you decide it's not for you, just let me know within 30 days, and I'll refund every cent of your investment.
Not only that, but I'll let you KEEP the entire course as my personal "thank you" for at least trying it out.
You can't lose!
There is no risk and everything to gain.
So if you're finally ready to put your anger issues behind you, and create the calmer, happier and more contented life you deserve, then CLICK below to enrol in The Complete Anger Management System now!
Now, when you see the amazing DISCOUNT I'm offering today on The Complete Anger Management System, you may think it's a typo.
However, I still wanted to give you some extra value-added BONUSES for taking action today...
My aim is to give you EVERY tool, resource and piece of support you need to create the anger management success story you deserve.
That's why I'm also including the following bonuses, free of charge:
(Retail Value: $2,500+)
As a member of the Complete Anger Management System, you get immediate access to UNLIMITED live weekly group coaching sessions with myself.
These coaching sessions will help you implement what you are learning, answer any anger management questions, and give you the support and motivation you need to stay on track.
These coaching sessions are easily worth $2,500+, but they're yours FREE when you take action today.
(Retail Value: $1,500+)
As a member of the Complete Anger Management System, you get lifetime access to a DIGITAL TOOLKIT, including all the resources you need to be successful with The Complete Anger Management System.
This includes worksheets, checklists, cheat sheets, online quizzes and video summaries of the main anger management tools.
This toolkit is easily worth $1,500+, but it's yours FREE when you take action today.
(Retail Value: $997+)
As a member of the Complete Anger Management System, you get UNLIMITED email support from me.
If you have any questions or need support, you can email me and I will answer any questions you have.
This email support is easily worth $997+, but it's yours for FREE when you take action today.
The VALUE of all of these bonuses is over $4997+, but they're yours FREE when you take action today.
By now, you've seen everything The Complete Anger Management System has to offer...
You've seen how it will help you put your anger issues behind you and create the calmer, happier and more contented life you deserve...
You know that by enrolling in The Complete Anger Management System, you will see CHANGES in your life almost immediately...
And you know that The Complete Anger Management System comes with a No-Risk, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, so there's absolutely no risk for you whatsoever...
For many people, the value of learning to control your anger is PRICELESS.
The value of the bonuses in The Complete Anger Management System is over $4,997, just by themselves!
But I'm NOT going to charge you anywhere near that amount to enrol in The Complete Anger Management System.
In fact, I'm NOT not even going to charge you the amount that The Complete Anger Management System sells for on my website right now, which is $997.
Instead, because you're seeing this page right now, I want to give you a chance to enrol in The Complete Anger Management System for a MASSIVE discount.
For a limited time, you can access to The Complete Anger Management System, not for $997, but for a single payment of $597.
That's a saving of $400!
Not only that, but because I want to make this as EASY as possible for you, I also offer a payment plan option of just $47 a week (for 14 weeks).
So if you're short on cash right now, that's no problem. You can get started with The Complete Anger Management System for just $47 today.
But be QUICK. Both the discounted price of $597 and the payment plan option of just $47 per week is only available for the next SEVEN days only.
After this time, the price will revert back to the standard $997.
To enrol at the discounted price of $597 or set up a payment plan of just $47 per week, click the button below now.
In case you have a few more questions about The Complete Anger Management System, I've compiled a list of the most commonly-asked questions below...
Good question. The Complete Anger Management System is based on the idea that the KEY to managing anger is changing your thoughts. If you can change how you think, you can control your anger.
In the past, changing how you think was a long, difficult and painful process that took years of therapy. But with The Complete Anger Management System, you can change your thoughts in as little as a few weeks.
That depends on you. The Complete Anger Management System is a self-paced program, so you can go as fast or slow as you want. Most people spend about 10 minutes a day working through the program. If you do that, you will complete the programme in 4-6 weeks.
Yes. I've talked about that above. However, remember that the Complete Anger Management System is backed by my No-Risk, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you're not happy with the results you get, let me know within 30 days, and I'll issue you a prompt and courteous refund. NO questions asked.
You have LIFETIME access to The Complete Anger Management System. That means you can come back and review the material any time you need to.
YES. You can pay just $47 a week (for 14 weeks) to access The Complete Anger Management System. Just select the payment plan option when you enrol.
If you have more questions, please book a FREE consultation call with me. Just click the link below to schedule a time that works for you:
Let's Talk!
I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Are you still deciding if the Complete Anger Management System is right for you?
If so, consider this...
...I've spent over 30 years teaching people how to control their anger. I know ALL of the tips, tricks and techniques that work...and those that don't.
I know that The Complete Anger Management System will work for you. All you need to do is to take ACTION.
That's something I can't do for you.
I wish I could, but only YOU can do that.
So the question is...are you going to take action and enrol in The Complete Anger Management System now while it's still available at this special, discounted price?
The choice is yours.
You can choose to keep being a VICTIM of your anger. You can stay stuck in the same old patterns of acting and hope that someday, things will magically get better on their own.
Or, you can CHOOSE to take control of your life right now and invest in The Complete Anger Management System.
Today marks a turning point in your life, where things can either stay the same...or CHANGE for the better.
Click the "Yes, I Want This" button below to enrol in The Complete Anger Management System now.
I'll see you on the inside!
P.S. Remember, the Complete Anger Management System is backed by my No-Risk, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
If you're not happy with the results you get, let me know within 30 days, and I'll issue you a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Enrol now!
© AngerExpert.co.nz