ATTENTION - Anyone Whose Anger Is Hurting The People They Love The Most
Control Your Anger In Just A Few Weeks (Or Less)

Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Alastair Duhs and I want to help you control your anger in just a few weeks (or less) using a proven system that I call the "Complete Anger Management System".
If you stick with me and read this letter, I'm going to break down exactly how
you can implement this SIMPLE system to learn the exact tools and techniques to control your anger in any situation.
The Complete Anger Management System will teach you how to control your anger without:
- being labelled as an angry (or "violent") person
- wasting thousands of dollars talking with a counsellor about your childhood issues, or
- wasting months of your life sharing your personal issues in a traditional anger management group
Keep reading and I'll show you:
Case Study: How Gareth Learned To Control His Anger In Less Than Two Weeks, Using The Complete Anger Management System
Let me share with you a quick story about a recent client, Gareth.

This is Gareth.
"I was skeptical doing an online course at first but basically from the first lesson on the lessons had me captivated and tied down to the screen - I really really enjoyed it, and have already found it has improved my life in many ways."
Gareth called me on a Monday morning in tears.
"I've never considered myself an abusive man" he said me to. "But on Saturday my wife bought home a book". She said to me "You need to read this."
This book was about emotional abuse. As Gareth read the book he recognized himself.
"I thought that I just lost my temper sometimes" Gareth said. "Now I know it was way more than that. My wife has left me until I sort my anger out. I need your help."
"I was skeptical doing an online course at first but basically from the first lesson on the lessons had me captivated and tied down to the screen."
Gareth began the Complete Anger Management System the next day.
The first module of the Complete Anger Management System taught Gareth that "the reason I didn't think of myself as abusive was that I didn't understand what abuse was. I didn't understand that it isn't just a physical thing you can do to people but also with words, actions, black-and-white judgemental opinions and so forth."
In the next few modules of the Complete Anger Management System Gareth learned:
- what anger, abuse and violence really are
- the four main tools to control anger in any situation
- what the real cause of anger is
- how to take responsibility for his actions
- how to communicate better with his wife, and
- much, much more
Two weeks later Gareth completed the Complete Anger Management System. In an email to me Gareth said:
"I wish I had done this course 20 years ago. Not only has it helped me with my anger, but it has enhanced my communication skills! I think more people having easy access to a course like this would make the world a better place."
In these two weeks Gareth had learned all he needed to learn about how to control his anger. This is the same result that it takes standard anger management programmes 16, 18, 20 or more weeks to achieve.
"I wish I had done this course 20 years ago! Not only has it helped me with my anger, but it has enhanced my communication skills! I think more people having easy access to a course like this would make the world a better place."
While Gareth needed a little more time to practice the skills he had learned, Gareth's last report to me was that he was consistently responding to his wife calmly and respectfully.
Gareth's wife also noticed that he had changed. In fact, Gareth was looking forward to moving back into the family home in a week or two-confident that anger would no longer be an issue for him.
Heard enough? Want to see if this system is right for you?
Introducing: The Proven System That will teach you exactly how to control your anger in any situation, often in just a few weeks or less

Above is an image of how the Complete Anger Management System helps anyone whose anger is destroying their relationship, their family or even their lives.
Let me break down how it works...
The first step in the Complete Anger Management System to understand what anger is (and to learn the tools to control your anger in any situation).
This means that no matter what other people are saying or doing, you will be able to respond calmly, openly and respectfully to them.
The second step in the Complete Anger Management System is to understand what causes your anger (and how to take responsibility for your actions).
This means that instead of trying to control anger, you can think in ways that do not lead to anger in the first place.
This also means learning to view situations not just from your own perspective, but from the point of view of others. And even if you do not agree with them, you will be able to express this without getting angry, losing your cool or shouting at others.
The third and last step in the Complete Anger Management System is to learn better communication skills.
This is important as once you listen well to others (and express your views without anger), many arguments that you would have had do not even get started.
Most other anger management programmes completely ignore this valuable learning.
The Complete Anger Management System has been used to teach over 6,500 men and women how to control their anger. With this proven system, anyone can learn to control their anger, master their emotions and create calmer, happier and more respectful relationships.
Now you might be thinking to yourself...
This all sounds good, but I need to attend a face-to-face anger management programme to control my anger.
In fact, Gareth himself had the same thought.
Gareth said that he was skeptical enrolling in an online course. But from the first lesson on Gareth was "captivated" and "glued to the screen" by the lessons in the Complete Anger Management System.
Now, hundreds of people have completed the Complete Anger Management System online. All of them, without exception, have told me that it is an extremely powerful way to learn how to control anger.
"The Complete Anger Management System has taught me a lot about myself! I've learned better ways to communicate with others without getting frustrated or feeling misunderstood. I am becoming a more patient and understanding person, which has made life easier for both myself, and the people around me."
Heard enough? Want to see if this system is right for you?
The Way I See It, You've Got 3 Options
So, now that you know what’s possible, you have three options.
Option #1: Do nothing
Pretty self explanatory. Just stay where you currently are and let your anger destroy your life, your partner's life and the life of people around you.
Option #2: Go to a non-expert
Teaching people how to control anger is a specialist counselling skill. Don't go to a non-expert!
I've seen people who have spent 6, 8, 10 or more counselling sessions seeing a counsellor for "anger management", and still not be any closer to knowing how to control their anger.
Don't be this person!
Option #3: Get specialist help!
Your third option is to work with a specialist like myself.
In the last 25 years I have helped over 6,500 men and women to control their anger. From this experience I know exactly what tools you need to know and in what order.
I also know the common roadblocks that stop people from learning anger management effectively-and I can steer you around these roadblocks.
I want to help!
Finally, I want to help you.
After listening to literally thousands of stories from people who have lost their relationships, their family, their jobs, or their freedom due to anger, I know how easy it is to prevent these situations.
Even if you think you have lost everything, don't give up. I know that by learning the skills to control your anger, you will create a better life for yourself. As you react differently to people around you, they will react differently to you.
Learning to control your anger is a win-win situation. Learn this skill now!
Learning to control your anger is a win-win situation. Learn this skill now!
If you want to learn more about the Complete Anger Management System that will help you control your anger today, schedule a 20 minute strategy call with myself by clicking on the button below.
It’s totally FREE and you’ll get a blueprint of how exactly how you can control your anger.
I’ll get to know you more to identify whether the Complete Anger Management System will be a good fit for you.
We can also talk about price, timeline, and any other questions you may have.
Don't wait to learn to control your anger.
Click on the button below and apply to speak with me.
Schedule a call to see if the Complete Anger Management System is right for you

Who is Alastair Duhs?
You might be asking yourself... "who the heck is Alastair Duhs and what does he know about teaching people to control their anger?"
You are absolutely right to ask this question. Choosing the right person to help you control your anger is crucial.
While I can't give you my complete CV, I have been teaching people to control their anger since 1992.
In fact, I ran my first anger management programme as a fresh-faced 22 year old, thrust in the deep-end facilitating a large anger management group in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Since that time I have helped over 6,500 men and women control their anger. In fact, this is my passion. I want to help you. I know I can help you. The only question left is "Do you want help?"
Here are a few others things you may (or may not!) want to know about me:
- before training to helping people control their anger, I gained a Masters Degree in Quantum Physics
- I am a very experienced relationship counsellor, helping well over 1,000 couples overcome issues of anger, affairs, communication and other issue
- I am a keen triathlete, completing 5 Ironman events and almost 20 half-Ironman events in the last 10 years
- I love kayaking with whales and dolphins-usually off the coast of the South Island of New Zealand
Ok. That's enough about me!
Discover if the Complete Anger Management System is right for you
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