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Would You Like To Discover A Shortcut To
Managing Your Anger?

If so, pay very close attention to the very limited offer...You will only see this once!

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank-you for joining Anger School.

​From now on you will receive weekly videos, handouts and online coaching ​teaching you the main tools and techniques ​to control your anger in any situation (and create a calmer, happier and more respectful relationship).

If you watch these video and access my coaching, you will learn to control your anger!

But what if you could do this even faster?

And what if you could ensure that you get the absolute best results possible in learning how to control your anger?

In short, what if you could guarantee that you learn how to control your anger, not ​ in weeks or months, but as quickly as you want to (some people take just days).

 The good news is, you can....

For a limited time you can get access to my comprehensive online anger management course entitled "The Complete Anger Management System".

The Complete Anger Management System includes 42 lessons that will teach you ​ everything you need to know about how to control your anger (and create a calmer, happier and more respectful relationship).

And best of all, you dont need to wait to receive this training.

If you purchase The Complete Anger Management System now, without waiting, you will not only get this comprehensive course now, but you will get it at a massive 60% discount.

This means that you will save $600 off the usual price of this course!

This offer is only for members of Anger School, and is available for a limited time only. The access this deal, make sure you purchase The Complete Anger Management System now.

The Complete Anger Management System will ​teach you to control your anger as fast as you want to.

Also, when you purchase The Complete Anger Management System now, you will get the benefits of both Anger School and The Complete Anger Management System, almost guaranteeing that you will learn how to control your anger.

What are you waiting for?

Purchase The Complete Anger Management System for just $397 (and save $600) now!

What Is The Complete Anger Management System?

The Complete Anger Management System is a comprehensive online course that will teach you exactly how to control your anger in any situation, often in just a few weeks or less.

Based on my 25+ years teaching over 6,500 men and women how to control their anger, the The Complete Anger Management System includes all the essential tools and techniques that you need to know to learn how to control your anger (and create a calmer, happier and more respectful relationship).

And best of all, with the The Complete Anger Management System you can do this in just a few days (or weeks).

Special offer for Anger School members! Enroll now for just $397 and save $600!

Here's What You Will Learn From The Complete Anger Management System

The Complete Anger Management System ​will teach you:

  • what anger, abuse and violence really are
  • ​what makes an action abusive or violent
  • ​how angry, abusive or violent you are
  • ​what the four main anger management tools are
  • how to ​recognise your Early Warning Signs of anger
  • ​how to use the Tension Scale to recognise when you are getting frustrated, annoyed or angry
  • how to use Positive Self-Talk to lower your tension, stress or anger levels
  • ​how to take a Time-Out correctly
  • ​what the real cause of anger is
  • ​how your thoughts and beliefs create your anger (and how to change them!)
  • ​how to take responsibility for your actions
  • ​what a respectful relationship is
  • ​how respectful your relationship is
  • how to communicate better with anyone around you
  • ​how to listen to your partner so that s/he feels fully understood by you
  • what the Iceberg Model of good listening is
  • ​how to express yourself to others clearly and respectfully
  • ​how to negotiate issues in relationships fairly
  • ​and much, much more....

“People often think that learning to control their anger is hard. It's not. In the Complete Anger Management System I will teach you how to control your anger in any situation-regardless of how long you have experienced anger for or how bad you think your anger issue is.”

Here's What People Are Saying About The Complete Anger Management System


​Past CAMS Client

​I think more people having easy access to a course like this would make the world a better place.

​I've learned to identify habits of negative thinking and better ways to communicate with others without getting frustrated or feeling ​angry. I think more people having easy access to a course like this would make the world a better place.


​Past CAMS Client

This course is just fantastic!

​This course is just fantastic! Not only has it helped me with my anger, but it has enhanced my communication skills and made a good relationship even better! I wish I had done this course 20 years ago!.


​Past CAMS Client

​I have to say that this course is bloody awesome!

​​I am a small business owner and I have a new partner. After a frustrating phone conversation I decided I should go and talk in person. As I was in the car I recognised some early warning signs of anger, and ​realised from those signs that productive communications probably wasn't going to happen, so I took a "Time out" and went home. ​I have to say that this course is bloody awesome! Thank you Alastair.

​The Complete Anger Management System Consists Of 7 Modules

In these modules you will learn: ​


Module 1: ​Welcome And Overview

​In this module you will ​receive a course overview, as well as learn the difference between anger, abuse and violence. You will assess your level of anger and abuse in your relationship, as well as develop a ​safety plan for times in which you are becoming ​frustrated, tense or angry.


Module ​2: ​Anger Management Tools

​​In this module you will learn the four key anger management tools, including how to recognize the "Early Warning Signs" of anger, how to use the Tension Scale, ​how your thoughts ​can make you angry (and how they can calm you down!), and ​the best way to take a "Time-Out". By the end of ​this module you will already be ​becoming much calmer!


Module ​3: ​Belief Systems

​​In this module you will learn what ​the real cause of anger is (hint: It's probably not what you are thinking!). You will also learn what the impact of your childhood and upbringing is on your anger, as well as how male socialisation can ​often lead to anger issues.


Module 4: ​Changing Beliefs

​In this module you will ​receive a course overview, as well as learn the difference between anger, abuse and violence. You will assess your level of anger and abuse in your relationship, as well as develop a ​safety plan for times in which you are becoming ​frustrated, tense or angry.


Module 5: ​​Developing Respectful Relationships

​In this module you will learn what a respectful relationship is, as well as assess the level of ​respect in your relationship. You will also learn the 8 "rules" for creating a more ​respectful relationship.


Module 6: ​​Communication Skills, Part 1

​Developing better communication skills is fundamental to creating a happy, loving and long-lasting relationship. In this module you will learn ​how to be a better listener, focusing on learning how to actively listen to your partner. You will learn the "Personal Iceberg Model" of good communication, as well as learning a powerful exercise to develop emotional intimacy with your partner.


Module ​7: Communication Skills, Part 2

​In this module you will learn how to ​express yourself to others calmly and repectfully. You will learn the principles of good negotiation in relationships, as well as learning ​how to put ​these ​negotiation ​principles into practice. By the end of ​this module you will know all you need to ​prevent arguments in your relationship ​by being a great communicator!

About The Course Instructor, Alastair Duhs

Alastair Duhs

Alastair Duhs is an Anger Expert living in Auckland, New Zealand.

In the last 25 years Alastair has taught over 6,500 men and women how to control their anger in any situation.

As a result of this experience, teaching anyone how to control their anger has become easy for Alastair, and learning how to control their anger has became easy for his clients.

By enrolling in The Complete Anger Management System you can learn to control your anger in just a few weeks (or less!).

It may take longer than this to practice these anger management tools and techniques, but in just a few weeks you will know exactly how to control your anger in any situation.

How Much Is Learning How To Control Your Anger Worth To You?

Many people tell me that the Complete Anger Management System has been invaluable to them.

Chris, for example, who enrolled in the Complete Anger Management System when his relationship was on the verge is breaking up.

After completing the
Complete Anger Management System Chris said to me:

"This course came into my life when I was at my lowest and most fragile. It has become a vital part of my growth as a husband, father, friend and human. I will value and preserve the knowledge and realisations that I have achieved."

This kind of outcome is priceless!

The Complete Anger Management System sells on my website for $997.

However as an
Anger School member you do not need to pay $997 for the Complete Anger Management System. In fact, you do not even need to pay half of that!

If you enrol in The Complete Anger Management System now you will receive this comprehensive online course for one single payment of:

$997   $397.

(That's $600 off!)

​(Note: The Complete Anger Management System Includes A 30 Day No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee!)

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

The Complete Anger Management System comes with a 30 day money back guarantee!

This means that if you are unhappy with the Complete Anger Management System for any reason in the first 30 days after purchase, then I'll insist you get 100% of your money back.

It's simple:

If you are unhappy with The Complete Anger Management System for any reason in the first 30 days after purchase, then I'll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

​​How Much Does The Complete Anger ​​Management ​System Cost?

​​​​How ​long do I have access to ​The Complete Anger ​​Management ​System for?

​​​Do you have ​payment options for ​The Complete Anger ​​Management ​System​?

​Does ​The Complete Anger ​​Management ​System ​really work?

​What if I have other questions? 

​What if I need more help?​