

Customers served! 0 Clients Helped
Customers served! 0 YEARS Experience
Customers served! 0 Average Course Rating (1-5)
Customers served! 0 Clients Helped
Customers served! 0 YEARS Experience

Before you contact Me...

My clients get amazing results because I only work with people I know truly want to control their anger.

I will be able to help you if you are...

...truly motivated to control your anger

...ready to take responsibility for your actions

...looking for effective tools to control your anger, and

...willing to actively participate (ie you need to do some work!)

If you can answer "Yes" to the above points, I can help you.

Contact Form

Please complete the Contact Form below. I will contact you within 24 hours.

Want to phone me instead?

Ph: 021 137 0228

Call 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, text at other times...